New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work But ONE Word Does

9 out of 10 people will not follow through with their resolutions.

50% of resolution will fail by the end of January (that is why my gym is overcrowded in January and much quieter again in February 😌)

But there is an interesting concept that work much better: Choose ONE WORD!

The idea is stop making New Year's resolutions and started picking One Word for the upcoming year. No resolutions, no goals... just One Word that gives meaning, mission, passion and purpose. One Word that will you help be the best you can.

Dan Britton and Jimmy Page who co-wrote the book One Word (with Jo Gordon) have been doing this for over 20 years. Every New Year's Eve they gathered with their children, and each comes up with a word. Then they make paintings of their words that hang in their houses to remind them to live their word for the year.


Jo Gordon, the co-author of the above book, shares some of the words that he has chosen over the years: PURPOSE, SERVE, PRAY, FORGIVE, STILL, CONNECTED, EXPAND, HEART, ABIDE, POWER and WHOLE.

I am still working on mine. The current front runners are SURRENDER, PASSION, and FOCUS. I will let you know in January which word made it.

Your Action Step:

Don’t make new year’s resolutions but instead choose ONE WORD for 2024. What is yours?


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