Be OK with Being Disliked

Good leadership isn't a popularity contest.

👉 It's about taking full ownership.
👉 It's about making those tough calls.
👉 It’s about confronting issues head-on.

And taking action even if it ruffles a few feathers.

Being a leader means that, at times, some people will get angry with your actions and decisions.

It's inevitable, and it comes with the territory.

I often share a light-hearted joke with my clients:

"Upsetting everyone a little is a sign that you're doing a good job as a leader."

Behind the humor, there's a valuable lesson.

By procrastinating on those difficult choices and trying not to upset anyone, you're setting yourself up for failure.

You risk angering the very people who are the best producers on your team—the ones who deserve your support and leadership the most.

Sometimes, it means making the tough call and letting someone go.

When individuals break rules, take immoral or dangerous shortcuts, or repeatedly refuse to adhere to agreed norms, firing can be the most productive response.

Remember, as a leader, you're always on stage, the show is always on and your team is watching your every move: What you say and don’t say. What you do and don’t do.

Ask yourself:
What is one tough feedback that I have not delivered and need to deliver? 

By when will I do it?


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