About Urs

When companies need to inspire, engage, and develop their people while at the same time delivering stellar results in today’s hyper-competitive and complex business environment, they call URS KOENIG. Urs is an internationally renowned keynote speaker, bestselling author, and leading expert on humble leadership.

His message of Radical Humility in leadership draws on his world-spanning career as a UN military peacekeeper and NATO military peacekeeping commander, a highly accomplished ultra-endurance champion, a widely published professor, and a seasoned executive coach.


Urs shares cutting-edge research insights, inspiring leadership stories, and no-nonsense, practical tools to attract and retain top talent, engage high-performing teams, and create a psychologically safe culture that is ‘Tough on Results and Tender on People’ at world-class organizations like Starbucks, Amazon, Microsoft and the Society of Human Resource Management.


Urs’ research-backed Radical Humility Framework is packed with tangible tools and practical takeaways, leaving audience members with the ultimate actionable blueprint for a new type of leader for a new type of world.

Experience in Numbers

300+ Speeches
Thousands of Audience Members Impacted
37 Years
Ultra Endurance Champion
21 Months
Military Peacekeeping Commander
20 Years
Executive Coach
10 Years
Thought Leadership on Humble Leadership
4 Continents
Lived and Worked
2 Boys
Ultimate Joy and Challenge

Watch Ur's dynamic, passionate and infectious speaking style that captivates audiences around the world.

See how Urs’ keynote can inspire and energize your audience and leave them with actionable takeaways they can immediately implement with their teams.

Discover how clients have been transformed by working with Urs and the impact his message has had on organizations around the globe.

Contact Urs today to explore the fit, set up a keynote action plan, and transform your audience, shifting from THEN to NOW leadership.

Full Bio

Urs is a former United Nations military peacekeeper and NATO military peacekeeping commander, a highly accomplished ultraendurance champion, a widely published professor, bestselling author, and a seasoned executive coach and keynote speaker with more than three decades of experience helping hundreds of leaders and dozens of executive teams unlock new levels of achievement across four continents. 

He is the founder of the Radical Humility Leadership Institute and speaks frequently on the topic of leadership to corporations and associations across the globe. His message of Radical Humility in leadership has inspired teams from across the spectrum, including Amazon, Starbucks, the Society of Human Resource Management, Vistage, the University of Melbourne, and Microsoft.

He holds a PhD in geography and a Master of Science from the University of Zürich, Switzerland, and an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management. 

Urs is the loving father of two teenage boys who make commanding soldiers look easy. He lives in Seattle, Washington.

“Urs, wow, that was incredible! Your excellent opening keynote nailed it by setting the tone for our symposium. We received lots of positive feedback from audience members on how much they enjoyed your talk and how useful it will be in their work with their teams.”
— Erika Berndt, HR Director Microsoft

Enough about me, let’s talk about you!

You’ve come to the right place if…

… you want to learn the researched backed Radical Humility Framework, packed with no-nonsense tools and practical takeaways making it the ultimate actionable blueprint for a new type of leader for a new type of world

… you need learn how to build deep engagement with each of your team members while at the same time delivering stellar bottom line business results.

… you want to apply the ultimate yin yang of leadership Tough on Results and Tender on People

you need to build psychologically safe culture where team members feel safe to speak up with their concerns, doubts and questions.

… you need a speaker to inspire your audience with riveting storytelling and immediately actionable tools to drive results